Intuitive eBook editor

Craft your masterpiece

Unleash your creativity with our revolutionary digital publishing platform, empowering authors to bring their educational content to life through streamlined eBook creation.

Block editor

Write and format your content with our easy-to-use editor, supporting snippets, various styles, layouts and more.

Customize with templates

Choose from a wide range of professionally designed templates or create your own to give your eBook a polished and unique look.

Intelligent content creation with ePub AI

Our AI can analyze your text for readability, suggest improvements, and even generate content on its own.

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Bring your eBooks to life

Enhance with multimedia

Transform your digital books into immersive experiences by seamlessly incorporating stunning visuals and captivating videos with our state-of-the-art multimedia integration.

High-quality images

Easily embed high-resolution images to illustrate concepts and enhance visual appeal.

Video content

Incorporate educational videos, interviews, or animations to provide dynamic, interactive learning experiences.

Audio features

Enhance your eBooks with narration, sound effects, or background music to create an immersive audio experience for your readers.

Work together effortlessly

Seamless collaboration

Unlock the power of teamwork with our advanced collaboration tools, boosting productivity and creativity as you bring your collective vision to life.

Role-based access

Assign different roles and permissions to team members, ensuring secure and organized collaboration.

Comment and review

Leave comments, suggest edits, and review changes directly within the platform for streamlined communication.

Version control

Keep track of all changes and easily revert to previous versions, ensuring your work is always protected.

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Engage readers with interactive content

Interactive learning elements

Revolutionize the reading experience with our suite of interactive features. Transform passive consumption into active learning, keeping your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Multiple-choice & true/false quizzes

Engage readers with interactive multiple-choice and true/false quizzes to test comprehension and reinforce key concepts.

Fill-in quizzes

Challenge readers with fill-in-the-blank exercises, promoting active recall and deeper understanding of the material.

Image correspondence quizzes

Design visual learning activities where readers match images to concepts, enhancing retention through visual association.

Reach your audience globally

Publish and distribute

Take your eBooks global with our streamlined publishing system, connecting with readers worldwide and turning your passion into a thriving enterprise.

Multi-format export

Export your eBooks in various formats, including EPUB and PDF to reach readers on any device.

Direct publishing

Publish directly to major eBook platforms and stores, expanding your reach and simplifying distribution.

Sales analytics

Track your eBook sales and reader engagement with comprehensive analytics and reporting tools.

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What our users say

5 out of 5 stars

"With great pleasure, I use ePubber. The editor is user-friendly and advanced, allowing me to convert the books I originally created in Word into an EPUB format. I then enriched my books with interactive practice questions, so the students using my books are more engaged. Additionally, I offered these books for sale through the ePubber Store. The process is incredibly simple. From creation to selling, with ePubber, I can do it all with just a few clicks. I wholeheartedly recommend ePubber to any author who wants to create, format, and sell their own books."

Gebert Janssen
Gebert Janssen
Managing director - Eventarchitect Group

5 out of 5 stars

"ePubber has transformed our educational publishing process. The user-friendly interface and robust collaboration features have streamlined our textbook creation workflow. We've published five interactive science textbooks using this platform. ePubber has become an indispensable tool for our team - it's a game-changer for educational publishers."

Emily Mayer
Emily Mayer
Educational content developer - Pub books

5 out of 5 stars

As an independent author, ePubber has made a world of difference for me. The intuitive interface and quiz features have allowed me to bring my content to life in ways I never thought possible. The interactive elements have truly elevated the reading experience for my audience. I've published three educational books using ePubber and can't imagine ever using another platform.

Sarah Thompson
Sarah Thompson
Independent author

5 out of 5 stars

ePubber has changed the way I create and distribute course materials. The ability to embed interactive quizzes and multimedia content directly into my textbooks has significantly increased student engagement. The collaboration features have also made it easy to work with colleagues on joint publications. It's an indispensable tool for modern educators.

Dr. Adams Bakker
Dr. Adams Bakker
Professor of computer science - University of Groningen

5 out of 5 stars

Our publishing department switched to ePubber this year, and the results have been phenomenal. The streamlined workflow has cut our production time in half, and the quality of our digital publications has improved significantly. The analytics tools have provided us with valuable insights into reading behavior, allowing us to better tailor our content strategy. ePubber has truly optimized our digital publishing operations.

Liu Chen
Liu Chen
Digital publishing manager - Springer Nature Asia

Trusted by people who work at

Event Architect Oxford Springer Nature RUG Pearson

Transform your eBook creation process today

Unlock the full potential of digital publishing with our feature-rich platform designed for modern authors and publishers.

Unlimited creative freedom

Unleash your imagination with our platform that allows you to create an unlimited number of diverse eBooks.

AI-powered writing assistance

Harness the power of cutting-edge AI to enhance your writing, generate ideas, and overcome writer's block instantly.

Real-time market trends

Stay ahead of the curve with our live publishing trend analysis, helping you create content that resonates with current reader demands.

Elevate your eBook creation

Experience the power of premium features that will revolutionize your digital publishing workflow. Start your free trial today.

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